December 31, 2006

Mr. Sandman is sooo fired!

Oooh...a four day weekend for me!
Alas, I cannot fully enjoy having these days off because I can't do the most sought after weekend pleasure...sleeping in!
Yesterday I woke up at four in the morning because I had fallen asleep on my sleep inducing couch earlier that night. I willed myself to stay in bed until six and thus formed a headache that took massive aspirin consumption to get rid of. And again, this morning I was awake at six!
Hmm...I could blame all of this early rising to not staying awake past ten most evenings but....I'm sure the blame lies elsewhere....perhaps the newspaper people are to blame. When I wake up that early I am prone to go get a newspaper from the scary convenience store down the street. At six in the morning you would think all the scaries are still asleep but noooo they are at the Kwik Shop waiting for me to arrive with my uncombed hair and my unflattering pajamas just so they can give me that "wow, you just woke up and boy does it show" kind of look.
I shake my fist at you Slumber Gods!

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