December 28, 2006

It's all about location, location, location

Have I mentioned yet that I have had ongoing problems with my apartment? Well, if I haven't then you are in for quite a read!
I moved to this place a year ago. It's situated right outside the ghetto
but at the time I thought "hey, I can co-exist with the thugs and the
thugs can co-exist with me" and I thought that would be my only worry, but noooooo, the real problem seems to be the apartment itself! For a while I thought it was haunted and then I realized that haunted would be easier to deal with, Ota Mae Brown to the rescue!.
Here are just a few incidents that have happened over the last year.
The place was getting new shingles one weekend and when I got home the
roofers had thrown every last shingle into my patio, the only entrance
to my apartment! My landlord, neighbors, and I had to make a bridge
from plywood to cross the moat of shingles to my door. It was very
harrowing, rusty nails to my left, old shingles to my right, I'm lucky
to have come out of that alive!
One time I came back from a trip to Colorado and upon entering my apartment
the first thing I see is an entire wall missing to my hallway that
blocks the downstairs renter from my apartment. I could see into her
place and she could walk up to mine! Argh! I think that one was the worst. The other bad part to that was Craig was with me at the time and told EVERYONE at work! I think he even told some street people but I still can't pin him to that....
Another incident was when my patio gate got swung in the opposite direction of
the way it's supposed to open, got stuck, and I couldn't get in. I had
to go get someone who works for my landlord, she tried to open it but
with no luck. I then had to give her a boost over the gate (yeah, I
actually did the cupping of the two hands, she put her foot in it and
up she went), and still couldn't get the gate open. Now to this story
there is a bit of a "silly Teresa" mistake that was made. I'll just say that
the darn door WAS stuck and that trying to open it the wrong way was
not the only problem that the door had!
There are so many more incidents that I could mention but I would probably start thinking "why am I still at this place?", and want to move out. Alas, I have moved so many times in the last few years my friends and co-workers refuse to
help me move anymore. What I really need is an army of movers at my
disposal. Ooh, a robot army! Or maybe just one robot, the upkeep on an
army of robots could get costly. So, your mission, blog readers, if you
see an idle robot, send him my way. Unless he looks like a thug, then
just move right along....

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