November 21, 2006

Movie Mania

Last week I saw three movies at the theatre. I know, I know, who sees
three movies in one week? For some reason, my friends and I had TONS
of free time so we took advantage of it. The first movie was
Invincible. I could have sworn as we we were walking into the theatre
that this was a Jet Li movie but to Bob and Craig's astonishment (and
my own!) it was that crazy MarkWahlberg movie about the Philadelphia Eagles! At first I thought, what's Mark Wahlberg doing in a Jet Li movie and then the light bulb flashed over my head and *ding*, we were at the wrong movie. But alas, we stayed and it turned out to be quite the enjoyable film.
We then saw Borat a few days later. Hum, how should I describe my feelings about this wonderful social commentary....funny? Yes, it was funny. Disturbing? Yes, the fat man wrestling naked was disturbing. Overall, it was like nothing I'd
ever seen before, nor do I think I'll ever see it again. My mind was
traumatized for a few days after seeing it.
Last but not least was my favorite of all three, Casino Royale, the new Bond movie with the new James Bond. I've never been a James Bond fan, even though they have such interesting character names such as Octopussy and Miss Moneypenny, but this new installment was quite good. The new Bond, played by Daniel Craig, was just what was needed; a shot of new blood for perhaps a sagging franchise.

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