January 21, 2007


We have confirmed that snow is on the ground! It started snowing yesterday and a few flakes are still flying today. I got up around 5:30, looked out the window and saw massive amounts of beautiful white powder! I went to get the paper and spent oh, not too much time excavating my car, and then navigated the treacherous streets to Walgreens, where, upon arrival , I was the only car in the parking lot. Sissies!
Mickey called and asked if I wanted to go four wheeling in the snow this afternoon. I tried to contain my excitement but the shrieks of joy bubbled out and I think Mickey is now deaf. I haven't been on a four wheeler in two years, I can hardly wait! The last time I was on one, my brother was going way to fast, jumped a rather large bump in the field we were riding in, landed in a mud puddle, and had to push him out....mud being flung high into the air and eventually landing on me.
But this time no mud, just lot's of snow. Much cleaner! I can hardly wait...have I said that yet?

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